Computer Science + Design (CS+DES: the  New Program in the University of Illinois   

UIC is the only public university in the United States that offers a computer science + design undergraduate degree.

CS+DES Opening Fall 2022
CS+DES Orintation Fall 2023
CS+DES Program website
CS+DES Program Major

CS+DES Program brochure


I am the founder of this new interdisciplinary Computer Science + Design (CS+DES) Bachelor of Science program at the University of Illinois, which is based on the success and history of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL). The program was developed during 2017-2022 and is the result of hard work by the CS+DES Program Committee, which included faculty from Computer Science and Design and myself as its chair. It successfully launched in the Fall of 2022. UIC is the only public university in the United States that offers a combined computer science + design undergraduate degree. CS+DES offers intensive technical studies in computer programming alongside studio-based instruction in design, by blending the vibrant intellectual traditions of two UIC departments.

Technology and creativity represent one of the most powerful combinations in the current job market. This new program offers professional training in both fields, integrating design courses with a strong foundation in computer programming. Students who complete this degree will join a new generation of technically savvy designers and creative scientists who operate in the exciting space between these two worlds.

This degree program provides an environment for experimentation, collaboration, and interdisciplinarity. Certain courses will concentrate on honing precise technical abilities (such as Programming and Typography) and others a more broad and expansive research projects, allowing you to engage with real-world communities, situations and activities.

Daria Tsoupikova CS+DES Founder and Design Chair

Professor Andrew Johnson CS+DES Co-Founder and Computer Science Chair

CS+DES Program brochure

CS+DES Program website in the College of Engineeering

CS+DES Program Major
CS + DES major brochure for program opening in 2022.
TRNQWLRD Creative Coding Virtual Reality Project exhibited in the CAVE2 in the Electornic Visualization Laboratory (EVL). Photo by Jim Young. © UIC Engineering.